
I. “The psychological sense of being in a virtual environment”[1] II. “extent to which a person’s cognitive and perceptual systems are tricked into believing they are somewhere other than their physical location”[2] III.The subjective experience of being in one place or environment, even when one is physically situated in another”[3] References : 1.Slater, M., Usoh, … Read morePresence


Roblox is a free-to-play online game platform. It allows users to program games and play games created by other users. By using Roblox Studio, users made millions of games for this platform (1). And Brands such as Nike used this platform to create their own virtual world.

Spatial immersion

Spatial immersion refers to the type of immersion triggered and maintained by the spatial qualities of the virtual environment. In spatial immersion, the immersive effect of the virtual environment can be achieved by the deliberate manipulation of a few spatial compositions of the scene, such as swift zoom-in and zoom-out, abrupt change of camera angles, … Read moreSpatial immersion


a sense of being physically present in a virtual environment “Borg, M., Johansen, S. S., Thomsen, D. L., & Kraus, M. (2012, July). Practical implementation of a graphics turing test. In International Symposium on Visual Computing (pp. 305-313). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.”

Virtual Experience

“A virtual experience is a simulation of a real or physical experience, which occurs within a computer-mediated environment, and has been constructed to be located between direct (i.e., product trial) and indirect (i.e., traditional advertising) experience along the spectrum of consumer learning.” Definition by Terry Daugherty, Hairong Li, and Frank Biocca in 2008(source) We should … Read moreVirtual Experience

Visual Turing Test

“The experiment is executed by restricting test subjects from using a number of the above cues. To follow the structure of the Turing Test, the test subjects are shown a real object and a virtual representation. They are told before the experiment that one is real and one is not. After viewing both objects, they … Read moreVisual Turing Test


Virtual Reality Modeling Language VRML stands for Virtual Reality Modeling Language. Technically, VRML is neither virtual reality nor a modeling language. Virtual reality generally implies an immersive 3D experience, which typically requires a head mounted display (HMD) and 3D input devices, such as digital gloves. VRML neither requires nor imposes immersion. VRML provides a bare … Read moreVRML 


WebGL is a JavaScript API for processing and rendering 2D/3D graphics. The project was started at Mozilla Foundation and Khronos Group. It allows developers to build cross platform 3D web based interactive experiences because WebGL is fully compatible with most internet browsers. With the emergence of new platforms such as Meta Quest and HTC Vive, … Read moreWebGL

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