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Roblox Studio for Beginners Tutorials
With Roblox Studio, users can create gamified virtual worlds, and the other players can join and explore these worlds. The visitors of these worlds can interact with each other. Roblox Studio, available for both Windows and Mac, is the essential building tool for Roblox games. It’s free to use and does not require you to purchase … Read moreRoblox Studio for Beginners Tutorials
Smooth Scene Fade Transition in VR | Unity
As a transition is an animation that typically moves content in or out of view, and it plays a crucial role in the user experience of mobile applications as well as websites. And its importance increases when it comes to VR. Any sudden movement might cause motion sickness since the immersion level is higher. In … Read moreSmooth Scene Fade Transition in VR | Unity
How I got started with virtual reality (and you can, too) – The Ghost Howls
In this post I will show you how I started my professional carreer in AR and VR and how you can get started with virtual reality too
How to build your passthrough AR app for Oculus Quest in Unity – The Ghost Howls
Full tutorial on how you can build your augmented reality Passthrough experience for Oculus Quest 2 in Unity. Create your AR app in minutes!
Samsung has entered the metaverse world in collaboration with Decentraland
Samsung enters the metaverse, opening its flagship 837 store in Decentraland